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Personal data Klaus Straub

My professional career is distinguished near by 45 years of practical experience in a wide range around the tax and business consulting.

The activity up to and including 1992 was marked by comprehensively declaratory activities of small and medium-sized companies.

After that I supported innovative financing solutions and participation offers at the highest level until mid 2006. In addition to large-volumed public-leasing funds and participation offers for institutional investors I assisted in designing private placements from fiscal view. I contributed to the divestment of national property portfolios on a significant scale, in particular to the mobilisation of financial assets. Thereby so-called platforms for the development of new business approaches were established. In addition to CTA`s (Contractual Trust Arrangements – divestment of pension obligations) I also accompanied real estate tax optimized takeovers of large housing stocks and commercial properties by private equity companies. The structured project work naturally included the ongoing maintenance of existing mandates. The participation in the preparation of tax returns and annual financial statements, as well as the support for the permanently prevailing audit were obligatory.

In this context, I personally can point to the constructive cooperation with a first-class clientele.

I am also proud of a very pleasant relationship with the local competent financial management up to the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance. In contrast, I have not shied the factual confrontation with appeal proceedings. And I can also look back on my experience in fiscal court processes.

From 2006 until the founding of my office my work focused on transaction advice in many different areas. It ranged from due diligence in corporate transactions (asset and share deals) to tax statements at project financings and applications for issuing binding information. Supervised mandates were especially financial institutions, private equity companies, investment banks, technology companies, food wholesalers.